
  • Event Summary Part 3: IRPA AI Executive Roundtable Photo Gallery

    This photo gallery exhibits some of the attending executives who represent a good chunk of the outsourcing ecosysytem. There was no shortage of interaction, opinions or perspectives in this room. Our objective for this invitation-only roundtable was to both educate and learn. We wanted to introduce this powerful and disruptive trend and technology to this group of practitioners and providers. If you cannot see this PDF please click here   [...]

  • Event Summary Part 2: IRPA AI Executive Roundtable Video Interview: Wayne Ramprashad

    IRPA Executive Roundtable Video Interview: Wayne Ramprashad, Vice President at NYSE Euronext, explains why robotic process automation is not a revolutionary phase but rather an evolving one, through his experience in voice recognition, ATMs, and interactive voice response technologies. [...]

  • Event Summary Part 2: IRPA AI Executive Roundtable Photo Gallery

    This photo gallery exhibits some of the attending executives who represent a good chunk of the outsourcing ecosysytem. There was no shortage of interaction, opinions or perspectives in this room. Our objective for this invitation-only roundtable was to both educate and learn. We wanted to introduce this powerful and disruptive trend and technology to this group of practitioners and providers. If you cannot see this PDF please click here IRPA AI Executive [...]

  • Expert Interview: Tom Young, Alumni Partner, Information Services Group and the IRPA AI Advisory Board Member

    “The Good, the Bad, the Ugly…the disruptive wave of Robotic Process Automation” - Tom Young, Alumni Partner, Information Services Group and the IRPA AI Advisory Board Member, has seen the industry evolve before his eyes. In this recorded conversation with IRPA AI Founder and CEO Frank Casale, Young discusses how the disruptive wave of RPA solutions de-emphasize the importance of legacy labor arbitrage, and how early adoption of RPA will make [...]

  • Event Summary Part 1: The Institute for Robotic Process Automation’s (IRPA) first executive roundtable

    Frank Casale, Founder & CEO of IRPA AI and the Outsourcing Institute, shares his observations on the event. “The gathering was quite an experience.  We had a small group of executives representing a good chunk of the outsourcing ecosystem.  There was no shortage of interaction, opinions or perspectives in this room.  Our objective for this invitation-only roundtable was to both educate and learn. We wanted to introduce this powerful and [...]

  • Expert Interview: David Brain, Global Head of Process Robotics & Innovations Labs Product Lead, Sutherland Innovation Labs.

    David Brain, Global Head of Process Robotics & Innovations Labs Product Lead, Sutherland Innovation Labs.   Sutherland's Innovation Labs amplify creativity across the firm and facilitate the design and execution of impactful new service offerings.   David wrangles robots in the Sutherland Incubation Lab and has a background in complex solution design, process modeling and large-scale BPO transformations. Topic: The cost savings that RPA can deliver, who has the most to gain, and if you [...]

  • Here Come the Robots: The Emergence of Robotic Process Automation and the Beginning of the End of Outsourcing As We Know It

    By Frank Casale, Founder & CEO, Institute for Robotic Process Automation (IRPA AI) and the Outsourcing Institute (OI) Read Article Here       [...]

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